If you’re like one of the millions of other people out there who had an office job before this pandemic started, chances are pretty big that you are now working from home. In most cases, this means that you have some sort of home office, or at least that you need to create a home office space so you can work in comfort.
The fact of the matter is that having a good home office space that is arranged in such a way that benefits you most is extremely important when it comes to your overall success and productivity. When it comes to making an office space, one of the issues that most people seem to have is where to put their desk.
While at first glance it would not seem that desk placement is such a big choice that consider, but it actually is. The fact of the matter is that there are many factors that you need to keep in mind when choosing the right location and placement for your desk in your home office.
Now don’t get us wrong here because we’re not here to tell you exactly where to place your desk in your home office. What we are here to do is to provide you with all of the considerations and factors that you need to keep in mind so you can then make your own informed decision.
Where to Place a Desk in Home Office
1. Lighting
One of the most important things that you need to consider when choosing where to place your desk in your home office is lighting. Now, this is actually a dual factor because lighting can come in the form of your overhead lights that you installed in the ceiling or from the sun.
When it comes to your own overhead lights in your house, what you need to think about is if you want to be directly under them or not.
If you are just 100% on your computer the whole time, you may not need lights right above you, and moreover, lights might actually cause glare on your computer screen. That said, if you’re dealing with a lot of paper, having a light nearby is going to be beneficial.
We think, however, that the most important factor in terms of lighting is the sun. The reason for this is because the sun is a lot brighter and if you sit the wrong way it’s going to cause more problems than just a couple of lights that you can turn off with the flick of a switch.
What you need to consider here is that if you have the sun behind you, it could create a glare on your computer screen. However, if you have the sun in front of you, it could blind you when it shines in your eyes.
Most people would agree that the best way to place a desk is to have windows to the side, so you don’t have to deal with the sun being either in front or behind you.
2. Ventilation
The second factor that you need to consider when choosing where to place your desk in your office is ventilation. What you need to consider here is if you’re one of those people who is constantly hot or constantly cold.
If you always feel cold, then you need to keep out of areas that have breezes. This can mean not being right in front of a window, and especially not in between two windows.
Moreover, if your home has ventilation shafts coming from the ground, then you definitely don’t want to be sitting right on top of those.
However, if you are someone that always feels hot, then you might want to sit between two windows so you can feel that cool breeze all day long. The bottom line here: do you like feeling a breeze or not?’

3. To Door or Not to Door
Perhaps the thing that seems to give people the most trouble when choosing where to place the desk in their home office is whether or not to face the door. Of course, this is totally a matter of personal preference. For instance, if you live alone, then you probably won’t have a problem having your back to the door because there’s no one else to pay attention to.
However, if you live in a house with a spouse, a partner, or even kids, then you probably want to face the door so you can see your kids causing trouble as they run by.
With all that being said, some people just feel really uncomfortable having their back to the door. So, simply put, what makes you feel the most comfortable?
4. Spatial Constraints
The fourth factor that you need to consider here is how large your office is and how much space you require. Generally speaking, larger offices are far more versatile in this manner than smaller ones. If you have a very small office, chances are pretty big that you will want to put the desk against the wall to preserve as much of the rest of the space as possible.
There you have the most important factors that you need to take into account when choosing where to put your desk in your home office. Once you have these things figured out then you will have a good idea of exactly where that desk needs to go for the best results.